Now that I have the HG off you can see better where the failure is... actually both rear water ports faild.

I also got the oil cooler off. Not bad for 18 years of service.
Setting Big Dreams In Motion. I'm just having fun with a dream of getting back on the trail from a 18 year leave of absence. This is my jurney, so come along & join me on this great adventure...
I was able to drain & see the rad fluid, it doesn't look bad & doesn't look good either. No milky though.I also removed the throttle body.
I only got 8 bolts off the upper intake, WOW THAT WAS FUN!
It took 3' of exstention to get them from the underside. I have no clue how I'm going to get those back up in there & torqued?
I haven't posted this, but I have been chasing some P0401 EGR problems & some other hidden issues that finally surfaced resulting in a diagnosis of a blown head gasket in cylinder #6. This is a textbook failure for these 80 series vehicles around the 175,000 mile mark. I did get it hot climbing a big hill in Hollister & I belive it has slowly been failing since. Last week it over heated on the 7 minute trip home from work & thought it was the fan clutch that went out. I got a new one in & realize the LX was 1 gallon plus down on radiator fluid. At this time I couldn't understand where it all went... I'm not a great diagnostic trouble shooter, so at this point I didn’t realize it was going out the tailpipe yet through the blown head gasket. It was only yesterday when I went to my friends house that he was able to figure it out & explain to me the series of events that lead to this point.
I'm pretty bummed.
I will be replacing the HG myself & will be posting the progress... Stay tuned.