“AS A MAN THINKETH SO SHALL HE BECOME” and AS A MAN DREAMETH SO IT SHALL COME TO PASS ONLY IF HIS PASSION OVERCOMES HIS REALITY. This morning I woke up from another sleepless night dreaming about “Project FJ 4-door”, I have to come to the cross roads & I must do something about this or die to self one more time… So I must move forward & this is why I'm starting this blog.
I am a married single income family man in my mid-40’s that has chosen to sell every toy of my past to provide for my family. It was the right thing to do at the time & now years later I dream of what I once had. Today I have decided to make my dream of “Project FJ 4-door” come to pass. The closest thing in my mind of what this project will look like is the ICON FJ44, but better.

The goal & purpose of this blog is to document the process of making a dream come true & with the Lords help it will! The process will go from dreaming to research & gathering resources materials then building the project. This might take several years as I have found a forum thread that has been very informative for me and is where I have found most of my info & photos that I will be posting. It started in 2008 for him & has gone all the way up to current time of July 2014. Here is the link http://forum.ih8mud.com/threads/4-door-fj40.247854/
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